Hervé Jamet

A musical walk

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We offer you commented links to open access works to make a overview of different musical genres.
These pages will mainly consist of links to selected YouTube videos, no problem of completeness. These links will open in a new tab, which you can close to return on the site, or keep it open to continue your musical exploration while not losing your start page.

And to begin this walk, to get in the mood, a piece by George Gershwin... titled Promenade.

Classical music

First of all, some pages devoted to classical music.

Sometimes perceived as elitist, reserved for a minority of educated people, classical music is accessible to everyone, and far from boring.

Celtic music

Then, a few pages devoted to Celtic music.

Celtic music remains alive around the world. It is popularized by events such as the inter-Celtic festival of Lorient, or the nights of Saint-Patrick.

©Hervé Jamet | Editor : Hervé Jamet | Hosting : OVH